(1.4.39版本以上) 在等号号后面修改你所要的上限值(100~50000)
# Server Sided! Maximum Attribute a player can have. Maximum Attribute can be set between 100 and 50000!
I:"Attribute Maximum"=500
# Server Sided! Maximum Attribute a player can have. Maximum Attribute can be set between 100 and 30000!
I:"Attribute Maximum"=500
# Server Sided! If 'true' then the Kaioken will be sustainable in any transformation, If 'false' then Kaioken will be hard to maintain with every transformation. (This WILL make the game more unbalanced. default: false)
B:"Kaioken - Sustainable Super"=false
# Server Sided! If 'true' then Fusion will be available to use, If 'false' then Fusion wont be usable. (For balancing reasons default: false)
B:"Fusion - Dance fusion"=false
吧5修改成你需要的时间数值范围(1~100000 之间 单位为min/分)
# Server Sided! The time in minutes after a player can use 'Free Revive' if it is 'true'. The time can go from 1 min to 100000 mins (close to a week). (default: 20)
I:"Death System - Revive Timer"=5
服务器禁止龙珠生成 (需要在服务器修改)(true为开启flase为关闭)
# Server Sided! If 'true' Dragon Blocks will spawn, if 'false' then they wont spawn at all. (may reduce lag if false)
B:"Dragon Blocks Spawn Enabled"=true
# Server Sided! If 'true' Saga System will work, if 'false' then no one will be able to progress in Saga System. (may reduce lag if false)
B:"Saga System On"=true
在.minecraft/config里找到jinryuujrmcore.cfg文件使用记事本或使用Notepad++打开,后面<1.0可以修改为0.1-100 越低学习技能需要的心灵越低
# Server Sided! Mind Requirement is percentage based. Values can be from 0.01 to 100 (default: 1.0)
D:"Racial Skill Half-Saiyan Mind Requirement" <
# Server Sided! The chance (in percentage) for a player to receive the Legendary Status Effect every 20-30 mins, regardless of race even thou only saiyans can use it atm. Can be from 0 to 100 (default: 10) and 0 will result in close to never. (This config will only be enabled if the 'For every day a Lucky player' config conditions are not met, furthermore setting this to 100 will result in the same effect as the 'For every day a Lucky player' config)
I:"Status Effect - Legendary - Chance to get it"=10
# Server Sided! With this you can change how many players may use this state. Can be from 0 to 1000 (default: 1)
I:"Status Effect - Legendary - Server limit"=1
# Server Sided! The numbers are meant to be in percetage with the minimum at 10% and maximum at 10000%. Change only to your own responsibility! Having too high multiplier will cause glitches!
S:"Racial Skill Saiyan and Half-Saiyan - Damage multiplier" <
Base 150
SS 50
SSG2 60
SSG3 70
SSFullPow 80
SS2 200
SS3 400
Oozaru 100
Golden 500
SSGod 520
SSB 520
SSGodR 520
LSS 200
LSS2 250
指种族变身的伤害的乘数。比如SSGod 520指的是SSGod形态下,玩家伤害×520%
# Server Sided! The numbers are meant to be in percetage with the minimum at -1000% and maximum at 1000%. The negatives mean those are the transformation ki costs! Also percentages are still based on Power bonus amount.
S:"Racial Skill Saiyan and Half-Saiyan - Ki Regeneration multipliers" <
Base 100
SS -20
SSG2 -30
SSG3 -40
SSFullPow -5
SS2 -20
SS3 -100
Oozaru -10
Golden -40
SSGod -40
SSB -50
SSGodR -10
LSS -20
LSS2 -20
指种族变身情况下回复气的乘数。比如SSGod -40指在SSGod形态下,玩家每秒回复气的速度×-40%
使用指令/jrmctp 数值 游戏ID 可以获得想对应的点数(训练点)
使用指令/jrmca Set All Max 可以使所有属性为上限
使用指令/jrmcse set legendary 1 变成传说中的超级赛亚人